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proposal ideas 

Proposal ideas; I paired up with Khairin for the second assignment, her superhero was Batman. We thought it would be cool to combine both mystery and magical, or logic vs magic. We discussed on how back then, science was what we call magic, today. For example, the potions and elixirs, its basically medicine and chemistry. Since Doctor Strange has a variety of visual influences compared to Batman, the ideas we originally had was waay bomb. We thought hard from a designers point of view, maybe we could redesign a space by using aspects that can create illusions and hallucinations that play with the sense of a person? How cool would that be! Better not, create an illusion by playing with the lights to create shadows and geometrical shapes.


We searched for any similarities/differences between these two superheroes to create the storyline. At first we thought it couldn’t work because we had no idea how to connect these two superheroes together, but turns out it was okay to not have the relation. Start over and create something from what we learned after the previous assignment.


One thing leads to another, we finally came up with a concept/ synopsis for our video. 

(roughly, for our guideline.) 


It is about a girl who wakes up with zero memory. and has to find herself. bits and pieces of her are in various places and her mission was to find it. But what she didn't know was she can teleport from one place to another. However, there is also a time limit, it decreases as she progresses into her journey of finding herself. 


 In all 3 destinations, she will find 2 pieces of letter which spells her name in the end. Once she has all 6 letters, she'll finally remember the last thing that happened to her before she was wiped out. 




We were contemplating on how to do the video. Do we act it out or should it be from a one person point of view? Do we use green screen or the old-fashioned way? 


We thought that a one person POV would be slightly more interesting than acting it out. Our original plan was to just film it the "old-fashioned" way, mainly because khairin and me, we were both a very very beginner in this filming thing. But we still gave the green screen a try but we were clueless nevertheless. also because a one person POV would look weird and awkward with just the green screen... 

So, we just stuck with doing it the old-fashioned way and it turned out pretty well! (for us) we were quite happy with the outcome even though it was a budget film xD we expected it to be bad because,,, well we were noobs,,,but it was the other way round! Kudos to Khairin's editing skills for making it as good :P 


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