--Exterior rendering
For 3dmax rendering, the materials and texture I used for the exterior was plaster wall for the exterior walls, zinc for the roof, steel for the panels (window&door panel and railings) , timber wood for the patio floor and front door, bamboo wood for the stool, plastic for the seat of the stool, concrete pavement tiles for the pavement and of course glass for the glass doors and windows. The setting of my building is set to evening sun, which gave the model a light shadow on it.
For concrete, timber wood and zinc materials, I gave it a higher bump to give more texture, while the panels, steel and glass has a very low bump.
materials & textures
--Interior rendering
Interior rendering, I used marble floor for the floor, plaster walls for the interior walls. I also used timber wood for most of the furnitures such as the big shelve beside the staircase, the staircase itself, stools by the island, and the lamp by the tv. For the couch i used leather material.
materials & textures
I gave my building a landscape with an evening view since the shadow on my building was already low. a pink sky as the background with a few birds flying around. I had to add shadows, adjust the lightings, contrast, and brightness on each object I added, depending on their angles.
First I opened the file in png format into PS and had to look for sky and grass that were suitable with the building. Honestly finding one of each was hard because most of the times it ended up looking like windows background. Nevertheless, i managed to find one that blends in well with the building. Also had to blend the 2 backgrounds well with the brush tool so it looks realistic enough.
Moving on, also added some trees of the same type at the front and back of the house, adjust the shadows, decrease brightness and increased the contrast. bushes were also added behind the house. Human figures and cats were also added to make the atmosphere more home-y
IFinal touch up, I added a hilly background behind the house. ( it's kind of faint, but that's the whole point of it being there, so it blends well and looks more realistic, for me) more bushes at the frontest part and added some birds. Lastly, i added more shadows and darkened it onto the house- first level, the left part thats protected from the sun. Aaand im done!
Because my interior had natural light coming in already, I didnt have much to edit on except adding in a few human figures, shadows and a little bit of light on my lamp.
First thing I did was add some light on the lamp, it has a slight yellowish shade on the canvas to show that the lamp is switched on. I also added a man sitting on the couch, where I had to crop his upper body and separate it to two different layers for him to actually look like he is sitting on the couch. (This step was confusing and hard for me to do, took me quite a while to finish it)
Then, i added another man thats facing the back. I had to change and try different warmth for the living room to not differ from the exterior view, where the sun was quite low. Lastly, i added ceiling light and give it a little shine for better effects. And im done! the edits for t=interior were quite simple, but i like it this way.